Book the Hotel Sanremo in Chianciano Terme |
You can book your stay at Hotel Trieste in Chianciano Terme by phoning to + 39
0578.63301 or by filling out the following form.
In this case, you'll have to wait for the confirmation of your reservation. |
Parks and animation to Terme di Chianciano |
Fucoli Park and holy water of Terme di Chianciano offer during the summer
months, animation, music and sports for guests all |
ages: baby-sitting for children (on reservation number 3488371800), open-
air gymnastics, open-air mass in the Park on Sunday mornings, medical
conferences, a big party in the evening to celebrate the loyalty of guests to
holiday in Chianciano, gastronomic and cultural meetings, presentations of
books, school of dance, music, art exhibitions, afternoon and evening dancing,
great eventstennis, bocce and playground. |
Spas in Chianciano Terme |
At Terme di Chianciano thermal parks in the green of Fucoli and holy water
spring water beneficial for the treatment of liver and |
lung gastrointestinal system. Thermal baths of Chianciano is carried out in
agreement with the national health service drinking cure with holy water,
(powered by taking Water Fucoli) enriched by hepatic baths and mud baths at
Sillene is involved where always in agreement with the SSN are reumatistic
baths and mud baths and bathrooms with hydro massage for the treatment of
peripheral devices. Healthcare management hosts the inhalation (cure
convenzionate with SSN) and to the Terme Sillene is involved is the Center for
rehabilitation and therapy in water fisiokinesi, coordinated by medical
specialists in collaboration with experts in rehabilitation therapists. |
You can book by calling
+39 0578.63301 |